Thursday, 22 October 2009

Why do expats become creative?

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it seems all of the expats I come across are involved in creative businesses, entrepreneurship or writing. A lot of expats have already written about this, so I won't expand into psychology too much. But, it's something which really fascinates me. 

Do we find ourselves so unable to conform to another culture's workplace ethics and regulations that we simply say 'Sod it, I'm going to work for myself'? Or is it that the whole business of changing your whole life makes you re-consider your career goals?

Personally, it was part of the first option which pushed me into working from home. I wasn't very good at understanding the hours that were kept, the only partially followed rights of the working mother and speaking the same language in the bathroom at work. Travel to and from work was a major nightmare. Fun if you're an adventurous tourist but not day in day out when you have evening meals and homework to worry about.

So I don't regret holing up at home - I love this country as much as I love the UK, but I'm perfectly happy to hide at home for most part of the day. Until, at least, the working day is over. 

* A referral link has been used in my post.

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